The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: Crisis Management, and Governance and Policy Priorities
The Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS) of The Education University of Hong Kong and the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, have co-organized the "Policy Dialogue Series" featuring Professor Anthony CHEUNG as the principal speaker. The seminar on the theme of "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: Crisis Management, and Governance and Policy Priorities"was held online on 14 November 2020.
HKUST Launches the Largest-Scale Solar Power System in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) announced its latest commitment to being a sustainability leader in Hong Kong by launching a renewable energy project that will include the installation of up to 8,000 solar panels at over 50 locations on campus. It will be Hong Kong's largest solar energy generation project when complete.
The 6th International Symposium on Regional Air Quality Management and the 2nd GBA Air Forum (6RAQM)
The 6th International Symposium on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions and the 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Air Forum (6RAQM) was successfully held on 20-21 October 2020. The 2-day online conference attracted over 500 participants from Hong Kong, overseas and the Mainland China.
Dialogue with the Secretary for the Environment, Mr. WONG Kam-sing
Mr. WONG Kam-sing, G.B.S., J.P., Secretary for the Environment, visited Division of Environment and Sustainability on 16 October 2020 and our EVMT students had a very fruitful discussion with Secretary Wong on various environmental and sustainability issues.
“Go-to-market Strategy for FashionTech” - 2020 Fall Corporate Project with Li & Fung, sponsored by IBM & Harman
Recent global pandemic and advancements in technology have accelerated the pace of change for fashion industry from external shifts in consumer behaviour to internal shifts in supply chain and business models. Li & Fung R&D team has anticipated such industry shifts with a comprehensive digital solution, but how should they best bring these capabilities to market? It is an experiential learning course through problem-solving using consulting techniques, advance technologies and business strategies for a real client.
IPO PhD Student joined the Salzburg Global Seminars Program at Austria
Athar MANSOOR, a PhD student in Public Policy, joined the Salzburg Global Seminars program in Austria on childhood obesity with scholarship and formed a working group with other participants to continue their research beyond the program.
Three IPO students joined The Hong Kong Airport Authority Summer Internship Program 2020
Three IPO students joined The Hong Kong Airport Authority Summer Internship Program 2020. Edward TAM and Kelly YIU, both are Year 4 students of Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP), and Yvonne SO, Year 4 student of Environmental Management & Technology Program (EVMT) were attached to the Project Delivery Office of the Third Runway Division, Capital Works Department and Environmental Team in Sustainability Department respectively.
IPO Teaching Excellence Award 2019/20
For the IPO Teaching Excellence Award 2019/20, Dr. Meike SAUERWEIN, Lecturer of the Division of Environment and Sustainability, and Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, the Program Co-director of Master of Public Policy and Associate Professor of the Division of Public Policy, are awarded at undergraduate and postgraduate category respectively.
Prof. King Lun YEUNG received the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service 2020
Prof. King Lun YEUNG, Professor in Division of Environment and Sustainability, received the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service 2020. Prof. YEUNG is commended for his outstanding contribution to the fight against COVID-19.
Prof. Huamin QU Inducted into IEEE Visualization Academy
Prof. Huamin QU, Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Office, has been inducted to IEEE Visualization Academy (Vis Academy) in October 2020. The IEEE Visualization Academy was established in 2018 by the IEEE VGTC Executive Committee and the induction is the highest and most prestigious honor in the field of visualization.
Prof. Jimmy FUNG received Silver Award at The Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020
Prof. Jimmy FUNG from the Division of Environment & Sustainability and Department of Mathematics, and also the Associate Director (Undergraduate Studies) of IPO, has received the "Silver Award" at The Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020 together with experts from other universities, consulting & architectural firms. The team submitted a research on "Urban Ventilation Assessment and Wind Corridor Plan for Chinese Cities" which is a pioneer study in the world to investigate and quantify effects of major planning and development proposals on urban ventilation.
IPO's 2020 Year in Review!
Year In Review 2020 takes us through all the highlighted events at IPO throughout the year of 2020. Check it out!
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