IPO Faculty Are Recognized in the 3rd HKUST Faculty Recognition Ceremony
The 3rd HKUST Faculty Recognition Ceremony was held on 13 July 2021 to acknowledge and applaud the outstanding research and teaching achievements of the University’s faculty members in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 academic years. Prof. King Lun YEUNG from Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), Prof. Richard SO and Prof. Pan HUI, Affiliated Faculty of the Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (IIM) Program were among the honorees to receive the award.
EVMT Graduate Promoting Sustainability at Hong Kong Construction Industry
Bobo LAI, a 2020 graduate of Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT), has always been passionate about sustainability, and decided from an early age that she wanted her career to be focused on improving the environment. After graduation, she joins Ampd Energy (Ampd), a construction technology startup company based in Hong Kong that is committed to making the construction industry emission-free, as a Business Development Specialist.
“Reimagine Education during COVID-19 and Beyond” - 2021 Winter Technology & Management International Business Plan Competition (IBPC)
COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries and all continents. The case challenge we brought to the students at the 2021 Winter Technology & Management International Business Plan Competition (IBPC) was, “How might we reimagine education during COVID-19 and Beyond?”. 30 Students from Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP) and other Schools of HKUST formed mixed teams to join the competition from 4-26 January 2021.
TEMG4952 Special Project: “Financial Investment Prototyping for UBS Zurich”
TEMG4952 Special Project: “Financial Investment Prototyping for UBS Zurich” was an experimental learning project for students to develop software to predict high potential Fintech startups from Crunchbase data and public records. UBS Zurich has partnered with Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP) to work on projects that encourage entrepreneurship and innovation since 2017 as part of their “UBS Next” initiative.
IPO Lightning Talks for Research Postgraduate Students
The IPO Lightning Talks for Research Postgraduate (RPg) students were held on 20 and 27 April 2021. It provides a platform for RPg students to exchange research insights and experience how to pitch their research work to audiences with diverse backgrounds and interests.
TEMG4950G “Precision Agriculture GTM Strategies for Bayer Crop Science Japan”
TEMG4950 series of experiential-learning courses use real-world challenges faced by leading companies to teach consultative problem-solving methods to students. The case challenge we brought to the students at this Corporate Project was how might we help Bayer CropScience improve the effectiveness and efficiency of field services to match the changing needs of Japanese farmers, partners and consumers while protecting the environment. 24 students were divided into 4 teams with focus on either "Rice" or "Plantect" for greenhouse crops. Each team had at least 3 mentors from Bayer, 1 HKUST faculty advisor and 1 IBM design-consultant.
Escape Room Workshop for IPO Student Ambassadors
An exciting escape room workshop were held on 12 June 2021 for IPO Student Ambassadors to build up their team spirit and communication skills. There were a total of 5 scenario rooms with different themes that required participants to work together efficiently through communication and problem solving to get out as fast as possible. The atmosphere was positive in raising team spirit and stimulating critical thinking.
T&M-DDP High School Student Dinner 2021
Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP) High School Student Dinner was held on 10 June 2021 to gather around 40 prospective high school students and parents. Program directors, faulty advisors, alumni, staff and current students joined the event to mingle and share about program design, learning experience, opportunities and career prospects.
Prof. Pengyu ZHU is awarded with Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Grant to Develop Aviation Innovation Strategic Plan for Hong Kong
A multidisciplinary team led by Prof. Pengyu ZHU of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) has recently secured full government support from the Innovation and Technology Commission for a one-year research project to develop a strategic plan which aims to transform Hong Kong into a leading global aviation and innovation hub in the next 10 years. The research project is sponsored by Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association, and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
What is the best way to reduce plastic packaging waste in Hong Kong?
The webinar “What is the best way to reduce plastic packaging waste in Hong Kong?”, co-hosted by the Sustainability Unit, the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), and the Institute for the Environment (IENV) with Guest Organizations: Drink Without Waste, and Hong Kong Baptist University, was successfully held on 5 May 2021. The webinar aimed to facilitate an informed discussion for the upcoming Producer Responsibility Scheme (PRS) for beverage packaging in Hong Kong proposed by HKSAR Government.
IPO Outstanding Community Service Award 2020/21
To recognize Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO) students who have demonstrated outstanding service to the university community and/or the community beyond the campus and foster students’ commitment in serving the society, IPO Outstanding Community Service Award 2020/21 was presented to 5 students on 14 May 2021.
IPO Best Research Award 2020/21
The IPO Best Research Award was established in 2011 with the support of the Provost’s Office to recognize outstanding achievements by research postgraduate students who made the most original and influential research achievements outcome from their study that has been carried out mainly at HKUST. Dr. SUN Li (PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management program, Class of 2020) and Mr. MANSOOR, Athar (PhD in Public Policy program, Year 4) were selected as the recipient of the first prize and the runner-up of the PhD category respectively.
Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award 2020 & 2021
The Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2020 & 2021 was held on 21 June 2021 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Michael KWOK and Emily WONG, Year 3 students from Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP), and Rainbow LAM, a Year 2 student from Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT) were awarded with the Scholarship.
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